The Independent from Richmond, California (2024)

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Roads Blocked Union Shops Are Won in 30 Out Of 31 Elections Washington Nov 1 9 INS lie All UL tuuioc 'may nuu lead anywhere That is while come so close cnlnnc qva acrrAAd ac tn thp nPPfl WCtner better NOW PLAYING MKRT TOWN (INS) 2nd Top Hit HORSE RACES ON THURS 11:45 OXWkSI COAST THEATERS' dent and violating his sister in IRST CODIES I son 25 and kidnaped and re 4 1HRRV Also i prison 1BnOlOTHBWB I CAGNEY 1 GREAT STARS IN 13rue I RUB ON to ANN ABELLA RANK lATIMORE STATIONERS MINTERS IN GIVE YOURSEL LIT H8 RICH Hi DEXTROSE BIS IGRHND OAKSi LIBERTY MUSTERQLE Sts mipniTE ToniTEj POINT LTM 5 Mac DONALD any i been Hart PLUMBING URNACES WATER HEATERS ETC I SVPERLJ 721 Macdonald Ave TELETHONS RICHMOND ALLEN ANGEL" i I i i ROUGH TOUGH A NEW SAY IT RIGHT ex not un RICHMOND INDEPENDENT 4 Wednesday Nov 1 9 1 947 STARTS Tomorrow iled in Techjwla i THEATRE 1 SAN PABLO nr a IL: nmrrc chkuhih rruico Peter LAWORD EDWARD ARNOLD BUTCH hJENKlNS COMING soon: HIGH BARBAREE fighting punch and power! progressive step The reactions to the other spectacle carry undertones of bit terness humor and speculation The innocuous manner in which the uniformed lobbyists (now slip through congressional IN VITA COTOR! of the by a Democrat for talking much fe s' i 4:28 3:22 Theme MITCHELL Merilyn MAXWELL Henry HULL Claude JARMAN Jr UPTOWN MCDONALD QICH 6825 1 STARTS TODAY! Last Times Today "THE DAUGH "PERILS PAULINE" Sob ran te Yule Party Will Be Discussed El Sobrante Nov 19 A meeting of the El Sobrante Improvement Club will be held at 8 Thurs day night at the clubhouse for the purpose of discussing arrangements for the Christmas party Reports on the work already ac complished by committees will also be presented member of the Progressive Citi zens of America and the prin cipal speaker was David Loff former UNRRA official New Hampshire to Hear Dewey Speak Brattleboro Vt Nov (INS) New Gov Dewey trav eled today into politically impor tant New England whose dele gates to the 1948 Republican national convention may be the balance of power among the sev eral aspirants to the GOP presi dential nomination Dewey will deliver a major speech tonight in New Hamp shire where his supporters and those of Harold Stassen will battle in the March 9 primary ror tne state eight delegates the national convention AN IMPORTANT EVENT IN RICHMOND! 1 ST RICHMOND SHOWING The Storyf Jesus the Devil! All Colored Cast SPENCER WILLIAMS "GO DOWN sol on are agreed as to the need for speed in settling the foreign air situation they are far from agreement over how it should be settled: And certainly they show no signs of seeing eye to eye in any bipartisan fashion over the domestic crisis Nevertheless the point on which they do agree gives some cause for cheer Except during the swelling flow of wartime adrenal through their glands po litically opposed legislators in our Congress have sel dom if ever agreed so un animously on the immediate need for a basic decision on our lor eign policy program Whatever course you personal ly think that policy should take agreement as to its need for im DEATH" Plus TEX RITTER la The OUT THIS WORLD BOGT tu S011 Woods Draws Six Months Jail Term Martinez Nov Charles Woods 26 of Vallejo arrested here last week on a charge of possessing a deadly weapon with intent to do bodily harm today started serving a six months county jail sentence imposed by Police Judge Harry Dinsmore Woods was arrested last week by Chief of Police Steve Neil son after he threatened Mrs Betti Davis 25 of 128 Berrellessa street with a gun Chief Neilson said the threats were made after Woods broke into the Davis home through a window Last Day "DOWN TO EARTH" "Bulldog Drummond' itrikec Bock' 1 S2? 341 jolson yioy worth 5:45 5:45 1 married you to destroy yonT Merle Brian OBERON AHERNE Bruce Walkup representing the lumber firm had succeeded in putting on the stand 12 persons who testified activities of the company are neither offensive nor odorous Attorney Robert Collins how ever representing City Attorney Thomas Carlson of Richmond scored heavily on cross examlna tion when he demanded to know of Mrs Pirtle of 1625 Mon terey street who appeared as a witness for the company if she were "being to testify in the bjehalf Collins also demanded to know if Mrs Pirtle had not asked him (Collins) for $40 to appear as his witness previously Mrs Pirtle denied she was be ing paid by the company adding that insofar as demanding pay ment from Collins was concerned she had only "it was no more than right you people should pay something toward my Collins produced' a signedstatement in which Mrs Pirtle and two other resldehts of the neighborhood retracted their sig natures on petitions favoring the lumber company: Others who signed the retrac tion are Mrs Henderson of 5507 Modoc avenue and Mark ley of 1827 San Mateo street Collins also produced a peti tion signed by Mrs Pirtle and others last October 2 which pro tested the "obnoxious odors and emanating from the lum ber company Mrs Pirtle however said she only withdrew her signature from the petition of protest af ter the incinerator down one causing the district to be blanketed with smoke Mrs Rose Mangels of 5218 Pan ama avenue a resident of the district for the last nine years said she heard only faint noise from the plant on one occasion when it was brought to her at tention by her husband She added she detected no odors and little Mrs A Wagner of 1619 Monterey street a resident for two years said she heard "no noise of any after the company completed original con struction work Both Mrs Mangels and Mrs ALL SPANISH SHOW CANTIN LAS "GRAN HOTEL" ttLe Que Soto El Nomm Pooro PLUS MEXICAN REVUE WONDER BOTTLING CO 518 South' th Street 12 I 10:11 unrinucl DOWN TO rO HVT TBACi In 1900 the average: wage paid throughout the riation was less than $2 a day JBB i I fRRITO WHff TIMES 23rd MACDONALD I hear the Labor government wished the princess a long happy and austere In Ohio the CIO has recom mended that Sen Taft retire rney reel that he has working too long and too ley But the Senator feels since Mr Truman warned radio newsmen that a good looking fine voiced fellow might try to take over the country In fact I understand that eight Republican candidates said to their wives afraid of Dewey seems to be running in meutral at the moment He has been criticized by a Repub lican for not talking enough and by a Democrat for talking too Army Air orces purcurement of ficer before the Senate War In vestigating subcommittee In a Sense tough on thq naval and military men who as liaison their technical titles now cir culate about the capitol certain ly they're not personally involved in the case nor any oth er like it or they be here but taking an un merciful kidding Standard type of gag is: kind of a contract are you try ing to get or companies do you own stock in? and you blame the boys fur flinching wearily every time approached The cheering phase of the sit uation is that spreading out to some of the lobbyists in civil ian clothes up on the hill That sort of thing is contagious and all of a sudden some of the other boys are coming to realize just how questionable their own ac tivities would look if spread out before the public gaze Simultaneously a good many senators and representatives ar? getting the idea and becoming cagey about whose invitations I they accept and whom they per mit to pick up their checks a good sign The bitterness perhaps works both ways Honest military men whose motives are even jokingly impugned naturally resent it But by the same token many an ex soldier and ex sailor and even an ex war correspondent or two wonder how iar such probes will go They wonder for instance if the committee will probe far enough to find out who paid for that string of blooded polo pon ies a certain wartime general once maintained in the Medi terranean or who equipped furnished and staffed three lav ish villas for a general in one war theater where the housing for thousands of American boys consisted of one muddy foxhole each or while looting was a court martial offense and punsn able by death who checked the home from Germany of certain high rank ing officers Interesting possibilities those even though a bit bitter To Trap leeing Murder Suspect Nevada City Calif Nov 19 Road blocks were set up in the eastern section of North ern California today in a hunt for a Maine itinerant who escap ed from jail while awaiting trial with his bride for a of murder Quarry in the spreading hunt was Joseph Hardy 24 former soldier and ex convict with a record of five previous escapes from federal authorities and sev eral from Army guardhouses Authorities acknowledged that Hardy must have "walked through the front door of the Nevada county jail some time Monday night or early Tuesday The cell he shared with nine other prisoners was locked throughout the night and its windows were undamaged Hardy and his 21 year old bride Lois were to have gone to trial Monday on charges that he shot McLain 48 of Burbank Calif to death last Spring after Mrs Hardy the victim into a forest glen near Truckee ollowing the capture in Las Vegas Nev Hardy signed a confession to three each in Chicago Louisiana apd California and to an un successful murder attempt in Missouri Both confessed they had been nicked up by McLain in the lat automobile near Salt Lake City and had induced him to drive to the northern California forest glen on Mrs promise of submitting to Mc amorous advances Police said they admitted lardy pumped two bullets int ch? back of head whik the victim was embracing Mrs Hardy then stripped the body of valuables and fled in car Wagner however said the smoke from mainline trains nearby was very annoying Mrs Oscar Bates of 5218 Panama avenue and Mrs Bertha Scott of Sacramento street both testified they were not bothered by noise or odors and had seen very little smoke Cumulative testimony to this effect was also given by? Mrs annie Moliskey Newcom er Robert ScottRuth Tribodi Mrs Marie Eakins Walter Eak ins and Graham MCleveland The hearing is expected to oc cupy at least one more day 1 1 I 1 Ml UM PH RICH 6 2 26 If STUDIO AND MAC DONA! 2o I IIkMI Carey Aiieen Mu' I a MITCHELL LEISEN PRODUCTION refuge Buford Sennett 22 and Robert Winslow 24 both ex convicts were sentenced to life imprisonment at hard labor at Madison Wis and shipped off to the state orison at Waunun his fel 1 The two desperadoes confessed YVONNE' DICARLO GEO BRENT In 'Technicolor "SLAVE GIRL" Don Ameche Katherine' McLeod THAT'S MY MAN" ncno The long drawn but efforts of the City of Richmond to abate as a public nuisance the operations of the Anchor Bay Lumber Company on East Shore highway in Richmond1 Annex are to bs resumed in the court of Superior Judge Hugh Donovan today following the appearance yesterday of a parade of defense wit nesses By late yesterday afternoon Attorneys DeLap and GREAT A1 Seats! SHOW I £Ac VALUE Richmond PLUMBING HEATING 453 33rd St Tel Rich 2429 Lova in bloom i with a Shower I of I ORDER YOUR PERSONAL XMAS CARDS NOW YOUR NAME PUT ON REE! TONIGHT AT 6 pm AS YOU LIKE THEM! ALICE AYE DANA ANDREWS LINDA DARNELL SCUTI Guorae BRENT names in the news and how to pronounce them: PAS DE CALAIS rench mine area: Pah duh Kal lay ARRAS rench city: Arr ahss VINCENT AURIOL rench Pres ident: Van sahn Oh ree ole LILLE rench city: Leel The National Labor Relations Board disclosed today that un ions won union shop rights in 30 out of 31 plants where elec tions were conducted last month under the Taft Hartley law Labor organizations fared less well however in cases where employes charged that the un ions ho longer represented a majority of workers our out of five elections on this score resulted in decertification of the union as bargaining agent Both types of elections were authorized for the first time by the new labor relations statute The law bans the closed shop but permits a contract requir ing membership in a union as a condition of continued employ ment if a majority of workers approve In only one such election dur ing October did the union fail to receive majority support Twenty seven elections were won by independent unions three by AL affiliates The independent International Association of Ma chinists suffered the only set back losing a union shop ballot at Boeing Aircraft Seattle Wash Unions ousted last month by employes in NLRB conducted elections were District 50 Unit ed Mine Workers at the Nash ville (Tenn) Gas Heating Co CIO' longshoremen at the Detroit Steel Corp Chicago AL molders at the Neville oundry Co Kansas City Mo and the AL meat cutters at the Neil Creamery Co Tama Iowa The independent union of Schaible employes won a decer tification election at the Schai ble Co Cincinnati Ohio Paulette Goddard I red MacMurray in Pofomount's AND OUR 2ND TOP HIT! RICHARD CRANE MARTHA STEWART in JOHNNY COMES MARCHING HOME CARTOON and LATE NEWS EDEE CHINAWARE TO IKKt EVERY LADY ANO A Gay Advanlvrai Murder Rape Lands Two In Prison: Waupun Wis Nov 19 (INS) A night long orgy of lust and murder ended behind prison walls today for two desperadoes who confessed killing a Univer NARCOTICS RING IS BROKEN UP San rancisco Nov 19 narcotic inspectors claimed today they had broken up a ring that controls a major part of northern marijuana traffic with the ar rest of four negroes including a woman The arrests were made last evening when the narcotics agents raided a Jackson street I hotel in San rancisco and seized i its proprietress lora Miranda 38 The woman was described by the inspectors as the largest supplier of mari juana in the bay area Arrested with her were Casper Adkerson 26 Ernest Bryant 28 and Nelson Malbrough 27 Inside the hotel the raiders said they found more than $5000 worth of marijuana and a room showing evidences of a recent NOW! 2Majoi Hits Complete Repairs Philippine Outlaw Baffle Still Rages Manila Nov 19 A hew battle which has already claims ed at least 41 lives raged to day in Central Luzon between the outlawed Hukbalahap Peas ant guerillas and Philippine gov ernment military police forces Messages reaching Manila said the hostilities were renewed Monday on the border the provinces of Nueva Ecija and Pangasinan The fighting' now was in its third day The Philippine Interior De partment rushed MP reinforce ments to the embattled area Reports from the scene said ten thirty Hukbalahap and one policeman al ready were known to have been slain while have been wounded Washington Nov 19 (INS) Two rather spectacular pheno mena are unfolding these days on Capitol Hill and to certain cynical knights oMthe typewrit (no names mentioned) there sights are somewhat cheering The first is the sight of Ion time political enemies in the Senate and the House at last agreeing on one peacetime phase of our foreign affairs I that some kind of action in re gard to European aid must be jfih token immediately The second is the spectacle of some military lobbyists on Capitol Hill doing their best dvring this special session to be as inconspicuous as possible showing up to punch tne tnro retical time clock as their or ders require but definitely not lobbying! To repeat both sights are somewhat cheering nrhA first nf rnnrse mav nnt A I Movie Timetable Wednesday "The 8:39 pm Little Mr 7:00 10:33 pm Wednesday Thursday riday "Bulldog Drummond Strikes 8:00 9:04 pm to Earth" 7:05 10:09 pm Wednesday: "Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back noon 3:03 6:03 9:06 in "Down to 105 4:08 7:00 pm Wednesday: "Merton of the Movies" 1:27 7:29 10:30 pm "Sarge Goes to College" 12:21 9:24 pm Mighty ast Relief or COUGHS CHEST COLDS a rrvnnvA vAiv niuup The meeting was held in the desperadoes dumped him home of Hugh Hardyman a dawn last Saturday after all night ride with the coed as prisoner The steel doors of the closed behind Sennett and Wins low at 5 pm yesterday less than an hour after Judge Roy Proc tor passed sentence and pressed the regret he could mete out the death penalty der Wisconsin law Polish War Bride Seeks reedom Redwood City Nov 19 A hearing was tp be held today on ahabeas corpus petition seeking the release of Jadwiga Curtin 20 year old Polish war bride held in Red wood City on a robbery cfcarge The petition filed in San Mateo county superior court claimed there was insufficient evidence to warrant the trial on a charge she lured George Caulfield Stanford senior I to a lonely road where he was al legedly robbed by her accomplice Howard Durham The Polish bride whose husband abandoned her still is under techni cal investigation in the death of George Connor who was shot while riding in an auto with the woman October 15th Industry San rancisco Nov 19 (INS) A Caddow secretary man ager of the California Wine In stitute expressed deep concern today over wine tariff reduc tions announced recently by the ederal government Caddow declared that the pos sibility of foreign wines being exported to the United States at what he called low er constitutes a serious threat to the stability of the en tire grape and wine industry He said the wine institute has initiated a 'study to' determine the effects of the lower wine tariffs on the grape and wine Industry explaining: industry action on the wine tariff reductions included in the general trade and tariff agreement to take effect on January 1 will be taken when these effects are Caddow pointed out that for (mediate decision certainly is a the past several years America vineyards have yielded record crops with the state of Cali fornia alone producing around three million tons of grapes an nually He stdded markets which each year before the war took several halls is a direct result of the tes hundred thousand tons of our timony concerning Major Gen raisins are no longer available eral Bennett Meyers retired cannot be emphasized too strongly that the economic dis tress brought about by the no mally recurring surpluses of grapes and grape products in the United States can only be futher aggravated by throwing the American market wide open to foreign VAN JOHNSON JUNE ALLYSON DOUBLE TROUBLE NEWS TOMORROW lucky night! Wine Tariff Cut Worries Sausalito Opposes New Bridge Road Sausalito NdY 19 The Sausalito city council was em barked today on an intensive campaign toblock construction of a state proposed Marin coun ty freeway paralleling the Waldo approach to the Golden Gate bridge The battle was launched last night when a capacity crowd at the council hall' heard: council man Lee Sefton San rancisco lawyer urge all Sausalito resi dents to their State Legislative representatives to re ject the reeway1 plan The proposed freewa it was charged would Sausalito iri half and cancel tax produc trig The council ordered the city attorney toreport on possible legal means of stop ping any construction work che state might try to 'start! on the freeway 27t1 SAN PABLO AVK NOW MAUREEN O'HARA JOHN PAYNE "MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET" Plu ROBERT LOWERY PHYLLIS BROOKS "HIGH POWERED" NEWS THE BAY REE DISHES TO THE LADIES lie was unuer me impression that the meeting was being con ducted under the auspices of a radical group for subversive purposes The District office says tnat Collins and low members may face disturb they shot and killed Carl Carl ing the peace charges son 25 and kidnaped and re Chief Trial Deputy District peatedly violated his sister in Attorney Daniel Beecher said: law Miss Janet Ann Rosenblatt that the fact that the state 19 of Cleveland Heights last ment read by the Legionnaires riday night reportedly contained an obscure body trussed with i threat or warning would prob logging chains and weighted ably require the prosecution of with a large rock was recovered some or all pf the members of from the Big Tiger rapids near the group Blue River Wis where the two before a wild young ROBERT TAYLOR KATHARINE HEPBURN "Undercurrent'1 Plus HARRY LANGDON CATHERINE LEWIS The royal wedding and the opening of Congress have made this an uncommon week not often a big union and Legion Commander Admits Invasion Of Club Meeting Los Angeles Nov 19 (INS) A commander of an American Legion post has admitted invad ing a Democratic club meeting in a private home last riday night with 20 of his members but denies any violence was used when they interrupted the meet ing AUb fciuuu Liao aucuocu of taking photographs of mem sHy of Wisconsin medical stu bers of the meeting and of warn dent and violating his sister in mg the group to disperse in 10 jaw a University of Michigan minutes Coed Orville Collins commander of Wisconsin i moved the Glendale Cal American swiftly yesterday and within 24 Legion Post No 12 told the hours after they surrendered at District Attorney yesterday that their beseiged north woods farm CarlEiaoud babel Ekoe ritz Leiber GREAT NEW i HITSI Vi'1" GOES n7rtllEGE Morgn ftuss Cartoon ftnicolor Vivid Tec AU CRIMSON noris Kent down tw RIDIN' TRAIV' tomorrow Believe today gOO GITS By WALTER KBERliiW i 23 i rrr RANDOLPH 5VUTT VIKUMU UlLBOKS MUUUA6GER Tr ir ir i Mnm vw 1 tURT MN 1TT lillkllULll I i 1 IS A bb I 4 xJ'RBB I PL W1 Bl "rv nn IB I 1UN" I IWlLIWWp 3 1 £31 nfi rl MV 1 1 1 1 WARpiw 'fl LAaJBIb john IB I' i 5 IB fl tA 7 a I1 I 4 'I 4 I 1 i i g' i 1 41 JWZMR nmnv fl fl I I i ft IH I I fz I I 1 I I I3SM i BBBflBBEBBflBBflEBBflBflBBBBBBfl 'A A I t' 's j1 1' Ci VJ 7 1 1 1 i 4 I 1 a 1 4 4 4 1 v4 4r 'v A 4 "4 A i I 1 1 A IO 1T 2 7 i fLj' 'AEKP iYS A 4 3 J' IBB RCH 6 2 26 BffHCSVlw I IcrMl At 'ea MUSTerOLE i TH 5 Mac DONALD.

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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.